Wednesday, May 23, 2007

2nd Grade- David Park Summertime Paintings

Lesson Plan for
Elementary Art
Teacher: Mr. Cooper-Davis Grade: 2nd Quarter: Week:
Fine Art Standard(s)

Performance Descriptor(s)
Identify the elements of line, shape, space, color and texture; the principles of repetition and pattern; and the expressive qualities of mood, emotion and pictorial representation.
Identify media and tools and how to use them in a safe and responsible manner when painting, drawing and constructing.
· TLW identify primary and secondary colors
· TLW explain how to make more and less intense colors
· TLW demonstrate how to create sunlight with paint
· TLW create a self portrait of themselves on a bright sunny day
· TLW practice various basic art room procedures
· TLW demonstrate each art room procedure
· TLW recall the 3 art room rules

Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment

· Check students for participation (points earned)- visual
· Teaching Scoring Guide used in “David Park Summertime Portraits”

Student Learning Opportunities:
Student Learning Activities
· Games/ group activities
· Visual
· Individual Experimentation/ project
· Review Procedures: “Hand does the Talking” /“Freeze/Thaw”/“Ready to Work”/ “Clean Up
Review names of artists
· Introduce the work of David Park: Slide Show- was an artist who mainly painted people in Northern California in the 1950’s. He often used very bright colors next to much darker colors. More intense colors are straight from the tube, or mixed right from the tube. We can create less intense or more dull colors by adding a colors compliment (review color wheel) Park often painted people playing outside/ at the beach/ having fun in summer time activities.
· Introduction to project: Students will be creating their second self portrait. They will create a fairly large portrait of them selves(chest neck & head – maybe some arms) involved in some sort of summertime activity. Think about making a window box (or have some cut) with your fingers- only drawing a small amount of the entire scene on our papers.
· Once students finish their drawings they may begin painting
· Demo: Using colors like David park: Show students how to create more and less intense colors- how they work when places next to each other/ colors don’t have to be actual real colors/ show how to use various colors to show light/ bright colors next to dark colors
· Days 2-3
· Remind students that they can use any color for the bright light of the sun- it just needs to be next to a very dark color.
· Students should continue painting- covering up the entire page/ students may want to use a smaller brush to work on the details, or go back and paint in some of the details that may have been covered up
· Free Drawing and coloring pages available when finished

Resources (Materials/Texts/Visuals/Technology):
Paper (81/2 X 11), TV, computer, digital images, paint, paint cart, drying rack, pencils
“David Park Summertime Portraits”: Students will be creating portraits of themselves during a bright warm summer day. Students need to use at least 8 different colors and need to mix at least 5 of them.


Natch said...

What a pleasure to see that David Park is being taught to 2nd graders! He was my father, and he'd love this!

Natch said...

What a pleasure to see that David Park is being taught to 2nd graders! He was my father, and he'd love this!