Wednesday, May 23, 2007

5th Grade- Lino Cuts and Radial Symmetry

Lesson Plan for

Elementary Art

Teacher: Mr. Cooper-Davis Grade: 5th Quarter: Week:

Fine Art Standard(s)




Performance Descriptor(s)

Identify the elements of line, shape, space, color and texture; the principles of repetition and pattern; and the expressive qualities of mood, emotion and pictorial representation.

Identify media and tools and how to use them in a safe and responsible manner when painting, drawing and constructing.

Identify and describe how the arts communicate the similarities and differences among various people, places and times.


· TLW list every day examples of how printmaking is used

· TLW describe how relief print making works

· TLW identify a bench hook and linocutter

· TLW identify the two types of symmetry (linear & radial)

· TLW create 2 linocut prints

· TLW practice various basic art room procedures

· TLW demonstrate each art room procedure

· TLW recall the 3 art room rules

· TLW demonstrate safe use of tools

Formative Assessment

Summative Assessment

· Check students for participation + daily working attitude (points earned)- visual

· Teaching Scoring Guide used in “Radial Design Linocuts”

Student Learning Opportunities:


Student Learning Activities

· Games/ group activities

· Visual

· Individual Experimentation/ Activities/ Projects

Review Procedures : “Hand does the Talking” /“Freeze/Thaw”/“Ready to Work” / “Clean Up”/

· Introduction to Printmaking: Show slides- examples of types of print making ( relief, intaglio, planographic) also slides demonstrating how the process works. How print making is used today- examples

· Demo- How relief works/ how to print: Have a large version of a relief block ready- explain how ink will only get on the areas that are raised – like a rubber stamp- Demo printing- paper goes on top of block not the other way around- show how the ink is only on the raised areas+ that the printed image is in reverse of the original.

· Introduce the 2 types of symmetry : linear and radial- students will be creating either a linear or radial design with their linocuts

· Introduce /demo the tools: Linocutter & Bench hook- Demonstrate proper technique- safe way to cut cutting hand out and cutting- always away from you- holding hand needs to ALWAYS be below and behind the cutting hand. Rules: no student is allowed out of their seat while they have a linocutter in their possession. Anyone out of their seat will receive a detention. 2 offences and they receive a Saturday detention. If they need to get out of their seat they should raise their hands and I will take the linocutter from them. They will get it back once they are in their seats. Even if someone is cut- they should remain calm and raise their hand.

· 1st print making process: Relief- Students will come up with a simple design (minimum of 20 shapes)– drawing it on their paper: using shapes- very small shapes or lines will not work.

· Students may begin creating a simple design using large thick lines and shapes- design must be simple! Think about patterns.

· If students are finished with their designs they can transfer them to their linoleum blocks. (using charcoal on back of drawing- taping down and retracing the lines/ then color in the design areas black with a pen. All other grey areas will be cut away.

· Day 2

· Students may finish/ begin creating a simple design using large thick lines and shapes- design must be simple! Think about patterns.

· DEMO: If students are finished with their designs they can transfer them to their linoleum blocks. (using charcoal on back of drawing- taping down and retracing the lines/ then color in the design areas black with a pen. All other grey areas will be cut away.

· SAFE CUTTING DEMO: remind student who have not turned in their permission slips that they will be using cardboard and glue instead of linocutters. Remind students of rules- no one out of seat while they have a linocutter at their desk. Students should always cut away from themselves- their holding hand should ALWAYS be behind cutting hand- holding the back edge of the bench hook tight against the desk. Students should ONLY be cutting the front half of their block. Make shallow cuts. If you need to work on another area, turn the block so the uncut area is on top- you can rotate it as many times as needed. MAKE SHALLOW CUTS!- show proper way to cut/ way to hold the block. Students will need to take the block down to about ½ it’s thickness for the low spots- Students NEED to remember: they are only cutting away the areas that are AROUND their designs- not the black colored in design areas.

· Assign students to sweep up floor- as students cut they should carefully whack block so shavings STAY on their table. NO wiping onto the floor. Project paper student will be in charge of wiping shavings from desks into garbage can. When students hear clean up music that means they stop working. Failure to do so will result in them not being able to use the cutters. Cutters should be placed on desks, I will pick them up & count them.

· Day 3

· Demo Printing blocks: when students reach a point where their blocks have been fully cut, it is time to print. Demo Proper way to ink and then print blocks- Students will be creating 2 finished prints of the same color- no switching color. Paper needs to be placed on top of blocks. Bench hooks will be used to press the paper down to maximize the amount of ink that the print gets. Students need to sign the front of their print (a signature not just their name). at the end of the day they can take them home- if they wish they may trade one print with someone in their class? In the event that some classes run out of time and do not get to print, I will hold special after school sessions so students may print.

Resources (Materials/Texts/Visuals/Technology):

pencils, paper, block example, printing ink, brayer, ink trays, TV, Computer, digital images, lino cutters, lino blocks, bench hooks


“Radial Design Linocuts” Students will crate 2 prints in the same color using either a radial or linear (symmetry) design. Students need to use at least 20 shapes in their design.

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