Sunday, January 21, 2007

3rd Grade- Cereal Ad Pitch (Box & Cylinder)

Lesson Plan for

Elementary Art

Teacher: Mr. Cooper-Davis Grade: 3rd Quarter: Week:

Fine Art Standard(s)


Performance Descriptor(s)

Identify the elements of line, shape, space, color and texture; the principles of repetition and pattern; and the expressive qualities of mood, emotion and pictorial representation.


· TLW recall the 3 types of line

· TLW explain how to properly draw a cylinder and box

· TLW create their own advertisement pitching their brand of cereal

· TLW practice various basic art room procedures

· TLW demonstrate each art room procedure

· TLW recall the 3 art room rules

Formative Assessment

Summative Assessment

· Check students for participation + daily working attitude (points earned)- visual


· Scoring Guide used in: “Cereal Ad Pitch”

Student Learning Opportunities:


Student Learning Activities

· Games/ group activities

· Visual

· Individual Experimentation/ Activities/ Projects

· Review Art Room Procedures : “Hand does the Talking”, “Freeze/Thaw” , “Ready to Work” feeling

· Students will be working with / reviewing these procedures each art class Through September

· Review the Box and Cylinder

· Introduction to advertisement- show various ads for products/ cereal box designs

· Students will be creating their own cereal box designs (go over teaching scoring guide/ requirements) Students will first come up with some ideas on scratch paper- when OK’d they will receive their large papers

Resources (Materials/Texts/Visuals/Technology):

pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, scratch paper, 12X18” paper, digital images, computer, TV


“Cereal Ad Pitch”: Students will be using their prior knowledge about creating cylinders and boxes to create their own ad pitch to sell their brand of cereal. Students will be graded heavily on neatness and craftsmanship (this will be a slick advertisement). They must design their own box of cereal and include a bowl of cereal plus 2 other breakfast foods of their choice. Items should be sitting on some sort of table or counter. Designs should include at least 4 colors. Students need to come up with at least one slogan about their cereal. Students also need to design their boxes to appeal to kids. How can you get kids to want this cereal? Free prizes? Toys inside? Games on back?

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