Sunday, January 21, 2007

3rd Grade- Space Age Lava Lamps (Oil Pastels)

Lesson Plan for

Elementary Art

Teacher: Mr. Cooper-Davis Grade: 3rd Quarter: Week:

Fine Art Standard(s)


Performance Descriptor(s)

Identify the elements of line, shape, space, color and texture; the principles of repetition and pattern; and the expressive qualities of mood, emotion and pictorial representation.


· TLW recall the 3 types of line

· TLW complete drawing exercises emphasizing the cylinder and box

· TLW create a drawing of a lava lamp using their knowledge of cylinders

· TLW practice various basic art room procedures

· TLW demonstrate each art room procedure

· TLW recall the 3 art room rules

Formative Assessment

Summative Assessment

· Check students for participation + daily working attitude (points earned)- visual

· Correctly identifying lines in nature and Art works (points earned)

· Scoring Guide used in: “Space Age Lava Lamps”

Student Learning Opportunities:


Student Learning Activities

· Games/ group activities

· Visual

· Individual Experimentation/ Activities/ Projects

· Review Art Room Procedures : “Hand does the Talking”, “Freeze/Thaw” , “Ready to Work” feeling

· Students will be working with / reviewing these procedures each art class Through September

· Introduce/ Review the Box and Cylinder- students drawing for the packet/ step by step/ examples on the board/ Demo- how to change these into various objects.

· Once students have the hang of both- Intro to Space age Lava Lamps (Slide Show to show what they look like). Students will need to create their own lava lamp using their knowledge of creating cylinders

Resources (Materials/Texts/Visuals/Technology):

pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, paper, digital images, computer, TV, black construction paper, oil pastels


Space Age Lava Lamps: Students will create crazy cylinder shapes- using contour lines. Curves on top must match curves on bottom. Students need to use at least 2 colors for their lava.

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