Sunday, January 21, 2007

5th Grade- Surrealist Bedrooms (1 Point Perspective)

Lesson Plan for

Elementary Art

Teacher: Mr. Cooper-Davis Grade: 5th Quarter: Week:

Fine Art Standard(s)



Performance Descriptor(s)

Identify and describe the elements of 2- and 3-dimensional space, figure ground, value and form; the principles of rhythm, size, proportion and composition; and the expressive qualities of symbol and story.

Describe the relationships among media, tools/technology and processes.


· TLW recall the vocabulary associated with 1 pt. perspective

· TLW show their knowledge of how to use 1 pt. perspective

· TLW create a finished drawing of 2 houses in 1 pt.

· TLW practice various basic art room procedures

· TLW demonstrate each art room procedure

· TLW recall the 3 art room rules

Formative Assessment

Summative Assessment

· Check students for participation + daily working attitude (points earned)- visual

Scoring Guide used in “Surrealist Bedrooms”

Student Learning Opportunities:


Student Learning Activities

· Games/ group activities

· Pre-teaching

· Visuals

· Individual Experimentation/ Activities/ Projects

· Review Art Room Procedures : “Hand does the Talking”, “Freeze/Thaw” , “Ready to Work” feeling

· Students will be working with / reviewing these procedures each art class Through September

· Review/ Introduce 1pt. perspective- go over steps/ using rulers/ copying lines – Review ruler rules

· Have students create 2 houses step by step along with me on the board

· Introduce project(if time) possibly have students work on their Art Folders with the remaining art time- Students will be creating Surrealist Bedrooms

· Slide show: show the work of several surrealist artists- talk about how they were working- subject matter- highly detailed paintings, but things that didn’t fit together. Students will be creating their own surrealist bedroom using 1pt. perspective- then painting it using water colors (practicing painting procedures next week)

· DAY 2- 1st half: Review/ introduce procedures for Painting (watercolor procedures similar to tempera)- inform students that ALL students must MASTER procedures before any painting takes place

- Describe elements of the cart/ tools used

- Review jobs/ painting jobs never rotate to insure smooth transitions (jobs for set up/ clean up are the same

- Go over set up: part of “ready to work” in painting- students must have on smocks before class starts : practice set up (run through as many times as needed- use freeze/thaw as needed)

- Go over procedures during “working”

- Go over procedures during clean up- same students helping with clean up/ Practice clean up (run through as many times as it takes

· Demo: show students (review) how watercolors work (adding water to the watercolor pallets+ when mixing how to mix) – mixing colors is not required.

· Last half: Students may continue working on their Surrealist Bedrooms- review requirements


Resources (Materials/Texts/Visuals/Technology):

pencils, paper, rulers, painting cart, watercolors, brushes, art smocks, painting cart, TV, Computer, Digital Images


“Surrealist Bedrooms”: Students will be creating drawings of their fantasy surrealist bedrooms using 1pt. perspective. All objects in the room must be created using 1 pt. There needs to be at least 8 objects in the room- ask students of things they would normally never see in a bedroom. Items should be in addition to a few regular items. These will be painted using watercolors. At least 5 colors need to be used. NO BLACK. Students do not need to mix the colors.

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