Sunday, January 21, 2007

2nd Grade- Pirate Self Portraits

Lesson Plan for

Elementary Art

Teacher: Mr. Cooper-Davis Grade: 2nd Quarter: Week:

Fine Art Standard(s)


Performance Descriptor(s)

Identify the elements of line, shape, space, color and texture; the principles of repetition and pattern; and the expressive qualities of mood, emotion and pictorial representation.


· TLW recall the art term self portrait

· TLW recall the important parts of the face

· TLW recall the various ways the face can express feelings and emotions

· TLW create a self portrait of themselves as pirates

· TLW practice various basic art room procedures

· TLW demonstrate each art room procedure

· TLW recall the 3 art room rules

Formative Assessment

Summative Assessment

· Check students for participation + daily working attitude (points earned)- visual

· Correctly identifying lines in nature and Art works (points earned)

· Scoring Guide used in: “Pirate Self Portraits”

Student Learning Opportunities:


Student Learning Activities

· Games/ group activities

· Visual

· Individual Experimentation/ Activities/ Projects

· Review Art Room Procedures : “Hand does the Talking”, “Freeze/Thaw” , “Ready to Work” feeling

· Students will be working with / reviewing these procedures each art class Through September

· Review portraits (slide show) what kinds of things to look for

· Introduce Pirates- what do they look like what do they do all day, what were they interested in? Slide show of types of pirates/ famous ones/ ships/ treasure/ flags

· Students will be creating their art folders when they are finished (names on one side, foods beginning with the first letters of their first names drawn on back)

Resources (Materials/Texts/Visuals/Technology):

pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, paper, digital images, computer, TV, still life objects


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